2015 KC Open-Silver Schedule

PARKVILLE, MO -- The 2015 Kansas City Open Silver Division will start play at 8:30 a.m. on Sunday morning, August 2, 2015 at the Kactus Creek Croquet Club in Parkville, Missouri. The Silver Division follows standard USCA Nine Wicket Rules with the following options: 3 - Starting Deadness, 4 - Wiring (MCA RULE), 5 - Blocked Wicket, 6 - Rover Play and 8 - Overtime Play. Regarding #8, the MCA will continue rounds until a winner is determined. More Silver Division details follow the block schedule below.
Please note all players have byes throughout the day. Gabe Airrington and Di Berg have the first round byes for this event.
The event will be played on two modified nine-wicket courts carved out of a single six-wicket court.
The event will be the last chance to get points for the 2015 MCA Championship to be held September 18-19 in Belton, Missouri. The top eight players in the Silver Division will qualify for the MCA Silver Championship.
FEES: $15 for MCA Members | $25 for non-members | Entry fee does not include lunch, but there is a refrigerator on site to store lunches and a grill available for players to use.
2015 MCA Membership: http://missouricroquet.squarespace.com/membership/
TWITTER TAG: Twitter, Instagram and Facebook users can tag your Missouri Open
photos with #MCA9WS.
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