2015 KC Open-Bronze Schedule

The 2015 Kansas City Open Bronze Division will start play at 8:30 a.m. on Sunday morning, August 2, 2015. This division plays Six Ball rules (one player per ball) with no carry over deadness and 50-minute games. When time expires, the ball in play is in its last turn. Each ball/player gets one last turn. If there is a tie for first place, another full round of last turns is played. Rounds continue until a player emerges with a higher point total.
Each player gets one time out per game. Sideline coaching is allowed in the Bronze Division, but the player still only has 45 seconds to shoot.
There are four players in this event, so the group will play two games and the final order will be determined by cumulative points. These games will be played under qualifier rules; meaning if a player pegs out prior to time running out, the game continues on until time expires and last turns has been played or a second player pegs out. The top 12 players in the 2015 Bronze Division points race will qualify for the MCA Bronze Division Championship on September 18-19, 2015.
The flexibilty of six ball croquet means that we could take up to eight additional players, so if you know someone that would like to try about two hours of croquet on Sunday morning, contact kccroquetclub@gmail.com to enter the event.
SIX BALL RULES: Six ball follows the same set of rules as the MCA Silver Division, but each player only plays one ball. The order of play is Blue, Red, Black, Yellow, Green, Orange. The first player to run all of the wickets and peg out is the winner. There is a time-limit of 50 minutes. If time runs out before a peg out, each ball gets one last turn. A player earns one point for each wicket run and peg scored. The player with the most points in a non-pegout game is the winner.
A player may not earn bonus shots off of another ball prior to running the first wicket. A player also may not earn bonus shots off of any other ball that has not previously scored the first wicket. If a player that has run the first wicket (in the game), hits his or her ball into a ball that has not scored the first wicket (out of the game), the balls reset and the turn is over.
One bonus shot is earned for running a wicket or scoring the stake. Wickets must be run from the proper side. If a player scores two wickets in one stroke, then two bonus shots are earned. If a player scores a wicket and a stake in the same stroke two bonus strokes are earned. However, a third bonus shot can never be earned (two wickets and a stake, still only results in two bonus shots).
If a player hits another ball, that earns two bonus shots. However, a player may only hit a ball once before scoring a wicket.
Each player gets one, one-minute time out during the game.
If a player withdrawals from a game, that player’s ball is removed from the court.
TWITTER TAG: Twitter, Instagram and Facebook users can tag your Missouri Open photos with #MCA9WS.
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