2014 KC Open Player List

PARKVILLE, MO -- The deadline for the Kansas City Open on August 2-3 is this coming next Tuesday at 10:00 p.m. Central time (July 29). You can sign up by RSVP on the Croquet Network event section (Kansas City Open) or email Dylan Goodwin at Click here for more event details
Player list to date:
Dylan Goodwin
Greg Adams
Jason Johnson
Billy Bob Breeden
Ron Millican
Matt Griffith
Bill Berg
Keith Berg
Jodi Adams - PRO consideration
Debbie Breeden
Deborah Millican - PRO consideration
Deborah Millican - PRO consideration
Di Berg
Nate Benz (tentative)
Darin Watson
Jeff Bell
Gwyneth Bowen
Elizabeth Goodwin (tentative)
Jeff Bell
Gwyneth Bowen
Elizabeth Goodwin (tentative)
Steve Jackson
Wanda Jackson
Wanda Jackson
Justin Marciniak
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