Lawn Warrior Classic Croquet Fundraiser Tournament

Jodi & Greg Adams, Deborah & Ron Millican, Debbie & Billy Bob Breeden all of the Missouri Croquet Association attended the first annual Lawn Warrior Classic Croquet Fundraiser tournament to benefit ALS in Lincoln, Nebraska. The William G Lauer Foundation said the tournament was a success and they are planning to have another one next year.
2011 Winners were Jodi & Greg Adams of Kansas City, Mo.
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Croquet in Lincoln, Nebraska for the ALS Fund Raiser
The day started off with meeting up with our co-croquet players from Cameron and riding together to Lincoln. We were going to Lincoln to play croquet in an ALS benefit. They had eight croquet courses set up and there were to be 64 people that were playing in this event. As we practiced we had fellow players who had not played croquet since they were kids out practicing with us and asking questions. I heard several times during the day “I never knew that there were rules I thought you just sent your opponents ball away as far as you could”.
At 1:00pm the tournament started. Each game consisted of four teams with two on a team. The Missouri partners were put on different courses which I believe was a very good move, as we were able to help the other players who really did not know exactly what they were doing and wanted to learn more about the game. They all were very interested in learning the various strategies of the game.
The top two teams from each game went on to the next game. Again after each game the top two sets went onto the next game until there were just four teams left for a final game. We had four teams that consisted of Joel and ??? (Lincoln), Billy Bob and Debbie (Cameron), Ron and Deb (Lee’s Summit) and Greg and Jodi (Kansas City). The field was surrounded by all the other players and fans to watch the game.
The final game was won by Greg and Jodi in first, Billy Bob and Debbie in 2nd, Joel and ??? in 3rd, and Ron and Deb in 4th.
I would have to say this event was well organized. They provided shirts for all players and lunch. They also had beer, pop, water and flowers that you could buy that would also help go to the ALS fund raiser.
This was such a great day! We meet lots of nice people in Lincoln and really just enjoyed the whole day. And the rain stayed away!
Article by GA.