Entries in Corner Peg Layout (2)


2018 Nine Wicket Rules Available

The MCA Rules and Competition Committee has officially releases the 2018 Edition of the MCA Official Nine-Wicket Croquet Rulebook: Backyard Croquet Rules. The release comes after an extensive review of the working rulebook that had governed MCA play over the past few years.

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AGM Highlights: Jackson is New President

The 2018 Midwest Croquet Association Annual General Meeting held at the eCafe in Overland Park, Kansas, on January 27, 2018, achieved the primay goal of transitioning to a new president. Steve Jackson from Kansas City has taken over the role from Dylan Goodwin who served for five years.

The transition was the central part of the meeting discussion and an interesting twist occurred as a new vice president position was created which Ellie Griffith taking that role. The idea is that adding another member will help with the workload for the president and also ensure of smooth succession in future years.

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