2017 MCA Championship Bracket Update

If you haven't already, remember to accept or decline your bid to the 2017 MCA Championship today to help the MCA set the final brackets.
Here are the lists of players and their championship bid statuses as of 1 p.m. on Sept. 5:
01. Matt Griffith - Accepted
02. Billy Bob Breeden - Accepted
03. Dylan Goodwin - Accepted
04. Deborah Millican - Pending
05. Greg Adams - Accepted
06. Ron Millican - Accepted
07. Jason Johnson - Declined
08. Jodi Adams - Accepted
09. Matt Smith - Pending
10. Greg Clouse - Waiting
11. Debbie Breeden - Waiting
01. Steve Jackson - Accepted
02. Justin Marciniak - Accepted
03. Gabe Airrington - Pending
04. Ellie Griffith - Accepted
05. Brevin Millican - Accepted
06. Wanda Jackson - Accepted
07. Cade Millican - Accepted
08. Bryce Millican - Pending
09. Josh Reed - Waiting (Accepted)
10. Darin Watson - Waiting
11. Di Berg - Waiting
12. Eddie Mondt - Waiting
13. Jim Ratzlaff - Waiting
The 2017 MCA Championship will be held at Loch Lloyd in Belton, Mo., on Sept. 16, 2017. The Pro Division will begin play at 8:30 a.m. The Gold Division is estimated to begin at 12:20 p.m.
Reader Comments (1)
I've had a rough 6 days medically. I had a pacemaker put in two and half weeks ago. It went very well However, last Wednesday I ended up in ER with severe chest pain. No diagnosis other than ruling out major problems. Seeing a lot doctors. I will have to pass all tournaments at this time. Have fun everyone. See you when my health clears up.
Jim Ratzlaff