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2016 MCA Championship Early Results

Here's a quick look at the main results from yesterdays MCA Championship. Full report with photos will be posted when available.

Pro Points Race -- Matt Griffith took his second straight MCA Pro Nine Wicket Series with 427 points on the year to edge out Greg Clouse at 421.

MCA Pro Shield Championship -- Matt Smith 23, Greg Clouse 8

Gold Points Race -- Jodi Adams started the day from behind but maded up ground to claim the overall Gold Series title with 318 points. Steve Jackson was second on the year with 283 points.

MCA Gold Shield Championship -- Jodi Adams 24, S. Jason Cole 16

Silver Points Race -- Gabe Airrington mathematically claimed the overall Silver Points race once it was determined that the Silver bracket would only field six players. That meant challenger Justin Marciniak couldn't get the three games that would be required to even make a run at Airrington's lead. Due to his football career, Airrington was unable to play in the MCA Championship, but he is still the overall champ with 314 points. Marciniak finished with 272 points.

MCA Silver Shield Championship -- Justin Marciniak 14, Brevin Millican 12 

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