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MCA Adds Parkville to 2014 Schedule

The Kactus Creek Croquet Club offers plenty of good seating for fans

PARKVILLE, MO -- The MCA is proud to add Parkville, Missouri, and the Kactus Creek Club to the MCA Nine-Wicket Series for 2014. The event is slated for Saturday, August 2, 2014, and will be called the Kansas City Open.

The event will be held on two courts with staggered starts for the divisions, which is possible because the venue has lights. The KC Open becomes the second nine wicket event for the 2014 season to be held on a six-wicket court. The MCA will travel to Tulsa on June 14 for a nine wicket event to be held on the courts at LaFortune Park.

Entry fees and exact starting times are still to be determined, but the contact for the event is Dylan Goodwin. Contact Dylan at kccroquetclub@gmail.com.


05/17: MCA T-Bone (Lee's Summit, MO)
06/14: MCA Oklahoma Open (Tulsa, OK)
08/02: MCA KC Open (Parkville, MO)
09/13: MCA Championship (Belton, MO)

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