MCA Leadership Change

After roughly 18 months as President of the Missouri Croquet Association, Matt Smith turned the reigns over to Dylan Goodwin of Leawood, Kansas in November. Goodwin has served on the MCA board since 2011 and is also the Communications Committee chairman for the USCA. In addition, he is the publisher and editor for the USCA's Croquet News magazine and manages the Croquet Network news website.
"I've proposed to the core members of the MCA that we take on a more active singles nine-wicket approach to get the organization playing more competitive croquet in the KC area," said Goodwin. "And, the second priority is getting established events in the other three codes of croquet as well."
Goodwin noted that an association rules event started in 2011 and the 2012 event is in progress.
"Clearly, there are challenges for playing GC, Association and American rules events here as we only have the one court at the Kactus Creek Croquet Club in Parkville," said Goodwin "However, the association event shows that we just need to get creative with being flexible and potentially playing over multiple weekends. I'd like to see the AC event be sponsored by the MCA in 2013 and expand out to more players and possibly two flights."
"The main thing is, I just want to get a strong circuit of competitive play going here in KC."
The MCA will hold an All General Meeting (AGM) on February 9 in Leawood, Kansas to get started on planning events for 2013.
Reader Comments (2)
Congrats Dylan! Im sure you'll be aggresive in advancing Croquet in our area. Mother Nature cooperating, my newcourt on South State Line Rd. near Cleveland, Mo. will be playable late spring.
Thanks for the vote of support Bill ... I envision the Cleveland Croquet Club playing a big part in what will should be a time for growth for Kansas City area croquet.