Croquet Presentation

MCA members are scheduled to do croquet presentation to the Cameron park board on April 28. More to come......

Debbie & I met with the Park Board on April 28, 2011. At first there seemed to be no one interested. Then after the meeting we had a couple of the board members talk to us. They thought it was a great idea & presentation. The only thing they would like to see is just how many people we could get to play before they spend any money to build two courts and then only have a couple of people playing.
My thought is to gather more info on the cost and how to build the courts & include the idea of a croquet course on the previously planned survey that the Board has already planned on doing. Then go back to the meeting and present them with the results. I hope then we have the rest of the board members on board.
Reader Comments (1)
How did it go?