Reminder: Sign up for the Missouri Open by June 30

Bryce Millican battles at the 2016 Missouri Open.
On Saturday, July 8, beautiful Belton is the place to be for the Missouri Open, the second tournament of the 2017 MCA Nine Wicket Series.
Sign up by Friday, June 30. Email, mark that you are "going" on the Facebook event page or RSVP on Croquet Nation.
MCA members may enter for $20. The fee for nonmembers is $30.
The lineups (as of the morning of June 29) are:
Pro Division
- Dylan Goodwin
- Jodi Adams
- Greg Adams
- Ron Millican
- Deborah Millican
- Jason Johnson
Gold/Silver Division
- Bryce Millican
- Cade Millican
- Justin Marciniak
- Joshua Reed
Lunch is not included; however, Eagles' Landing's clubhouse serves lunch.
Pre-Tournament Practice
As part of the lead-up to the 2017 Missouri Open, the Kansas City Croquet Club will hold a free practice session on Wednesday, July 5, at Eagles' Landing Golf Course in Belton, Mo., (4200 Bong Avenue).
There will be a free intro session for beginners followed by nine wicket games. This will provide all players with a chance to get a feel for the courts before the Missouri Open, which will be held at Eagles' Landing on Saturday, July 8, at 8:30 a.m.
Volunteer to Set up at Eagles' Landing
The MCA needs three volunteers to help set the courts before the Missouri Open. If you can be at the golf course at 7 a.m. on Saturday, July 8, contact Dylan at
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