2017 MCA Spring Notes

As we rapidly roll into the 2017 season, here's a brief rundown new developments for the 2017 MCA season ...
MEMBERSHIP DRIVE IS OPEN: 2017 MCA membership is open and forms for Basic/Family and Premium (Jersey) membership can be found under the Membership page.
TULSA AC INVITATIONAL: Croquet Network has announced an Association Croquet event to be held April 21-23, 2017 at LaFortune Park in Tulsa, Oklahoma. MCA member Billy Bob Breeden is spearheading the event and more info is available under the calendar entry on Croquet Nation.
MISSOURI OPEN SET: MCA president Dylan Goodwin has finalized Saturday, July 8, 2017, for the Third Annual Missouri Open to round out the 2017 MCA Nine Wicket Series. The event will again be held at Eagles' Landing Golf Course in Belton, Missouri.
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