Survey: Are You Interested in Playing in the Lee’s Summit T-Bone Tournament in 2019?
Sunday, March 24, 2019 at 4:22PM
MCA Website Admin in 2019 Lee's Summit T-Bone Croquet Tournament, Lee's Summit Croquet, MCA News, Schedule

LEE'S SUMMIT, Mo.—Lee’s Summit T-Bone Croquet Tournament event organizers are asking players to express whether they are interested in playing in this year’s tournament, which would take place May 4 at a new location.

The tournament, if held, will move from Howard Park to Lea McKeighan Park in Lee’s Summit. Start times and entry fees will be similar to the 2018 contest. Official tournament details will be available in mid- to late April if enough players are able to play.

Please use the survey to help us measure interest in this tentative event.

Article originally appeared on Midwest Croquet Association (
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