2018 Kansas City Open: Sign up to Play Now
Sunday, July 15, 2018 at 3:35PM
MCA Website Admin in Kactus Creek Croquet Club, Kansas City Open, MCA News, MCA Nine Wicket Series, MCA Nine-Wicket Series, Midwest Croquet Association, Nine Wicket Series, Schedule

Parkville, Mo.—On July 28 and 29, Kactus Creek Croquet Club will host the Kansas City Open, the next tournament in the 2018 Midwest Croquet Association Nine Wicket Series.

Like previous years, the Gold and Silver divisions will compete on one day, and the Pro Division will play on the other day. In 2018, the Gold and Silver players go at it on Saturday, July 28. The Pro Division takes the court on Sunday, July 29.

Read about the 2017 KC Open coverage:

Update on Sunday, July 22, 2018 at 6:53PM by Registered CommenterMCA Website Admin

As of 6:30 p.m. on July 22, the KC Open registration roster is:

Pro (Sunday)

Gold (Saturday)

Silver (Saturday)

If you would like to play, please let us know on the Facebook page or through this Google form. The signup deadline is Monday, July 23.

Article originally appeared on Midwest Croquet Association (https://missouricroquet.squarespace.com/).
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