Event Cancellation: Missouri Open
Wednesday, July 11, 2018 at 7:32AM
MCA Website Admin in Dylan Goodwin, Kactus Creek Croquet Club, Kansas City Croquet Club, Kansas City Open, MCA Nine Wicket Series, Missouri Open

Because the 2018 Missouri Open attracted only nine entries, the Kansas City Croquet Club has cancelled the event.

The event would operate at a loss and would not achieve the goal of raising funds for court development in southern Kansas City.

"Even at a loss, I don't think it would represent the sport properly to hold a public event with a such a small group of entries," KC Croquet Club president Dylan Goodwin says. "It is certainly a bitter disappointment to see tournament entries at such low levels in 2017 and 2018 after great success in the formative years for the MCA Nine Wicket Series. I firmly believed that nine wicket could be a viable path toward developing croquet in cities with limited court access, but that viewpoint is certainly challenged at this point."

Next up for the MCA, the Kansas City Open in on the calendar for July 28-29, 2018, at Kactus Creek Croquet Club in Parkville.

Article originally appeared on Midwest Croquet Association (https://missouricroquet.squarespace.com/).
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