2016 Lee's Summit T-Bone Silver-Bronze Schedules
Friday, May 13, 2016 at 7:30AM
MCA Website Admin in #MCA9WS, Brevin Millican, Darin Watson, Di Berg, Josh Reed, Justin Marciniak, Lee's Summit T-Bone Tournament, MCA Nine Wicket Series, Trevor Adams

The Bronze Division for the 2016 Lee's Summit T-Bone Tournament will include five players in two games. Cumulative wicket scores will determine placings. Coaching will be allowed in the Bronze division, but officials will be asked to keep players to the shot time limit of 45 seconds. Bronze games are 50 minutes with a last turns round for each ball. Each player receives one time-out per game.

GAME 1 - 9:45 AM
GAME 2 - 11:00 AM

PLAYERS: Renee Potter, Shari Cullinan, Gwyneth Bowen, Cade Millican, Patrick Fagan 

The Silver Division has six players split across two blocks for morning play. The top two finishers from each block will advance to a four-player playoff. Silver games are 50 minutes with a last turns round for each ball. Each player receives three time-outs per game. Schedule follows:


8:30 AM - D. Berg vs T. Adams
9:45 AM - B. Millican vs T. Adams
11:00 AM - D. Berg vs B. Millican


8:30 AM - D. Watson vs J. Reed
9:45 AM - J. Marciniak vs J. Reed
11:00 AM - D. Watson vs J. Marciniak 


A1 vs B2, B1 vs A2

FINAL - 2:15 PM

Updated website information on the Lee's Summit T-Bone Tournament will appear here:

Use #MCA9WS for the most up to date news on social media.

Article originally appeared on Midwest Croquet Association (https://missouricroquet.squarespace.com/).
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